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SEH Launches Air Service Consulting: Meet Mike Bown & Chris Warren

SEH’s Airport Planning and Design team is excited to introduce two professionals who recently joined our ranks: Mike Bown, a seasoned consultant boasting a 38-year track record in the aviation industry, and Chris Warren, an executive with 25+ years of commercial aviation experience across both airline and consulting platforms.

Now more robust, our SEH airport team offers strategic expertise coupled with the growing depth of resources from over 900 employees across the US, providing enhanced services and comprehensive solutions that focus on our airport clients' current needs, business strategies, and long-term goals.

This Q&A article explores the unique factors that led Mike and Chris to join SEH as they share their history, an overview of air service consulting, and insights into what lies ahead.

Let’s start by sharing a little about your background and the journey that brought you both to SEH.

Mike: Certainly. I've held various airline-related roles, both directly for carriers and through consulting engagements. I’ve also worked extensively in the air service development field assisting airports of all sizes. My association with SEH goes back several years. We've collaborated on a variety of unique projects at commercial service airports that have resulted in new and right-sized (sometimes larger) facilities – and my airline background has certainly helped. Over the years, SEH has used my expertise as a subconsultant, allowing SEH to craft airport facilities that match both airline and consumer needs. Working together has been a positive experience, and that's one of the factors that drew me to officially join the team. Plus, our group is a lot of fun to work with!

Photo of the Airport Planning Group
SEH’s Airport Planning and Design team recently held an all-team meeting focused on connecting, collaborating, strategizing, learning, and celebrating! 

Chris: Following nearly fifteen years working in commercial airline roles – beginning with the American Airlines post-MBA Leadership program – I’ve been leading air service development engagements for more than a decade. I’ve had the opportunity to guide efforts in more than a dozen US markets ranging from small regional airports to large international gateways.

One big allure of joining SEH was the opportunity to build an air service development practice within the structure and existing team of a top-tier company. We’re making considerable investments in our ASD product and enjoy substantial flexibility to build around our customers’ needs. It’s rare that you get the opportunity to develop a line of business with the backing of an industry-leading team! In addition, I look forward to adding this product offering for our existing SEH clients.

How has your past experience shaped your role at SEH?

Mike: Working from my airline foundation, my air service development experience has allowed me to adapt to whatever my audience and situation dictate. I’ve worked with airports of all sizes with a focus on smaller and mid-sized airports. These markets have historically faced difficult environments that often require an unconventional approach and are likely to face a particularly daunting future. I look forward to working with this subset of the airport market to uncover ways to generate the required passenger demand to accommodate larger jets in this new air service environment.

Chris: My combination of direct airline and consulting experience allows me to examine air service development from a 360-degree viewpoint. Put another way, I understand what airlines look for when I’m helping clients make the case for new air service. This experience allows me to work with Mike and the broader SEH team in developing a program that includes the tools and products necessary to optimize the work we do for clients.

Aerial view of aircraft above land

What inspired the formation of SEH's Air Service Consulting division, and what makes your approach unique?

Mike: The formation of SEH's Air Service Consulting division stems from recognizing the evolving needs of airports nationwide. With our extensive industry experience, we saw an opportunity to provide tailored solutions that align with our clients' long-term goals. What sets us apart is our commitment to innovation and collaboration. We serve as strategic partners, working hand in hand with airports and airlines to craft data-driven business case presentations and facilitate negotiations that drive sustainable growth.

Can you provide insight into the range of services offered by SEH's Air Service Consulting division?

Mike: Our Air Service Consulting division offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to meet the diverse needs of our clients. From strategic planning and forecasting techniques to network planning and fleet strategies, we cover every aspect of air service development.

Chris: Not only do we offer all of the tools and services of our primary competitors, our unique opportunity in developing this practice allows us to develop a truly modern approach to air service development. While many fundamental aspects of ASD remain consistent, modern data products and approaches to airline engagement are changing this business. In addition, our breadth of product offering allows us to optimize efforts for markets across a range of sizes, which is on display in our current client base.

Aircraft arriving at terminal

How do you envision our Air Service Consulting division contributing to the growth and success of SEH and our current client base as a whole?

Mike: Our Air Service Consulting division represents a natural extension of SEH's commitment to excellence and innovation. By integrating our expertise into the firm's offerings, we enhance our ability to serve airports across the nation. Our goal is to drive sustainable growth and propel our clients toward success by providing innovative solutions that address their unique challenges and opportunities.

Chris: I’d add that our team can serve as trusted advisors, contributing a significant amount of knowledge transfer to our entire client base regarding important trends and developments across the US commercial aviation industry.

What excites you most about the future of air service consulting, and how do you see SEH shaping the aviation landscape moving forward?

Mike: Air service consulting allows me to work on engagements that can have a tangible impact on airports and communities. It's an ever-evolving field, and I'm excited to contribute to its growth.

Chris: As our industry continues to evolve, the investment that SEH is making to build a team and product line that can address today’s air service development needs is really exciting. In areas ranging from advanced data product offerings to the evolving world of community stakeholder engagement – we’re committed to building an air service team on the cutting edge of client needs.

Aircraft  on taxiway

Let’s shift gears as we wrap up. Could you both share a little more personal insight, like what you enjoy doing outside of work?

Mike: I still enjoy sports, although pretty much only as a spectator these days. More recently, just working in the yard is something that I generally enjoy. Finally, traveling with my family is a favorite, although at times that can be a bit stressful!

Chris: In addition to being a lifelong sports addict, I enjoy hanging out with family and friends in our adopted hometown of Las Vegas. We have a teenage daughter who is a competitive swimmer – so there goes the rest of my spare time!

Airplane on the runway

Let's connect

Reach out to Mike or Chris to learn more about SEH Airport Consulting Services. We look forward to connecting to see what we can do to help you thrive in this ever-evolving aviation landscape.

Mike Bowm

Mike Bown has 38 years of experience in aviation, covering airline roles and consulting. His work in air service development has supported airports of various sizes, leveraging his airline experience to facilitate the creation of new and appropriately scaled facilities that cater to both airline and consumer needs.

Chris Warren

Chris Warren brings more than 25 years of aviation experience, holding commercial roles in both airline and consulting environments. He has successfully led air service development initiatives for more than a dozen airports across the U.S. – ranging from small regional airports to large international gateways – showcasing his ability to acquire new air services for his clients.