Road & Street Design
Bringing together many moving parts.
At SEH, we deliver complex road and street design projects that serve our clients and their communities in a multitude of ways – from concept to construction.
Road and street projects include a variety of interrelated components, including sidewalks, underground utility replacement, traffic calming, traffic signal revisions and aesthetic improvements. Our engineers design ways to promote a user-friendly, multimodal environment with varying traffic volumes.
At the same time, we incorporate utility upgrades and beautiful, sustainable landscape elements into our designs. During construction, our roadway design experts help maintain through traffic, access to businesses and/or identify viable alternative routes, staging plans and innovative contracting methods that keep your street reconstruction project on schedule and budget.
Related Services
- Construction staking and observation
- Contract and bidding documents
- Contract administration
- Cost estimates
- Design surveys
- Final plans and specifications
- Geometric layouts
- Hydraulic and drainage design
- Landscape and planting design
- Lighting and signage design
- Public hearings/public involvement
- Pavement analysis
- Utility Coordination
Our Work
Detroit Lakes Wastewater Treatment Facility Planning, Design and Construction Administration
I-39/90 and US 12/18 Madison Beltline Interchange
Depot Square at Boulder Junction
Eden Avenue and Grange Road Roundabouts
Archuleta County Landfill Repair
Greeley Fire Stations: Modern Facilities for Public Safety
16th Street Mall Reconstruction
I-35W Interchange at CR H: Remediating a Former Ammunition Plant
Enhancing Safety and Accessibility: Highway 87 in Frazee, MN
Future Project Need? Contact Us!
To speak with a member of our team or learn more about our services, please fill out the contact form.