Planning & Urban Design
Planning and designing places that matter.
At SEH, our community planners, landscape architects and urban designers believe in the power of great places.
We take our craft beyond aesthetics by integrating art and science to improve the socioeconomic, environmental and physical character of your communities. Our work is built on the sustainable principles of smart growth and ecological urbanism.
We combine tried-and-true strategies with innovative approaches to help link each community’s new developments with the best characteristics of its built heritage. Highly collaborative, we believe in a participatory process where consultants team with clients and community members. Our goal: create places of lasting beauty and value that transform the landscape and benefit your communities and the people within them.
We assist communities of all sizes looking to overcome today’s challenges and plan for the future. Our approach is holistic. We incorporate dynamic local, regional and national contexts while looking for ways to improve intergovernmental cooperation among neighboring communities.
Related Services
- Comprehensive planning
- Community engagement
- Corridor planning and design
- Downtown planning and design
- Funding services
- Economic feasibility analysis
- Envision
- Financing (TIF, TID)
- Focus area planning
- Landscape architecture
- Land use planning
- Streetscape design
- Waterfront planning and design
- Form-based zoning
- Urban design
- Zoning services
Our Work
From Hazard to Haven: Read Elementary Playground
La Crosse Downtown Tree Program
La Crosse's King Street Greenway Transformation
Transforming a Former Bowling Alley into a Social Hub and Duckpin Bowling Venue
A Community-Driven Study Results in Livable Streets Concept
From Coal Mines to Apartments: Canyon View Development
Edgemont Highlands Development Balances Community and Nature
North Main Avenue Extension Project Improves Accessibility and Connectivity
Mountain Village Meadows Neighborhood Improvements
Future Project Need? Contact Us!
To speak with a member of our team or learn more about our services, please fill out the contact form.