Portfolios and Case Studies

Valparaiso Downtown Central Park Plaza

Written by Admin | June 16, 2022


The City wanted to revitalize their historic downtown area with a sustainable, year-round public gathering place.


SEH landscape architects helped the City develop promotional design materials to build community support and funding for a new downtown central park. Building upon this successful effort, the SEH team provided final design and construction services for a multi-seasonal park plaza serving as the centerpiece of the historic downtown. The park integrates sustainable site design practices on multiple levels, including rain gardens, locally produced building materials, LED lighting, and creative site irrigation.


  • Merit Award for General Design | American Society of Landscape Architects, Minnesota Chapter (ASLA-MN)
  • 2016 Great Places in America | The American Planning Association (APA)

Valparaiso Downtown Central Park Plaza

Valparaiso, Indiana

City of Valparaiso


  • Multi-seasonal park plaza
  • Sustainable site design
  • LED lighting
  • Water feature runoff reuse


  • Landscape Architecture
  • Park Planning
  • Streetscape Design
  • Design Development Plans
  • Construction Documents
  • Landscape Design
  • Preliminary and Final Engineering
  • Bid Assistance
  • Construction Observation
  • Project Alternative Services