County Highway HH, a 1.6-mile stretch requiring pavement replacement in Lyndon Station, Wisconsin, presented several obstacles. The existing 11-ft. driving lanes and limited shoulder width needed attention to enhance safety and accommodate growing traffic volumes, and one culvert was identified as too short to lie outside the clear zone for the project, adding to the overall complexity. Additionally, overgrown trees posed safety concerns, hindering sunlight penetration and leading to prolonged road recovery times after snowstorms.
Juneau County partnered with SEH transportation engineers for this $840,000 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) pavement replacement project. Designed and constructed on an expedited schedule, SEH closely collaborated with the County Highway Commissioner to complete the design within six months, compared to the typical 18-month design window for Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) projects. Despite short-term road closures, the community expressed overall satisfaction with the improvements, acknowledging the positive impact on safety and travel efficiency.
The project focused on widening the driving lanes from 11 to 12 ft. and expanding the shoulders to a consistent three-ft. paved width. This adjustment improved traffic flow and provided motorists with a more secure driving experience. The SEH team also coordinated with the county to extend the culvert that was identified as too short.
To enhance sustainability, the project employed the stabilized pulverize and relay technique, utilizing existing road materials for the new pavement structure. This involved pulverizing the deteriorated asphalt pavement and relaying it to create a uniform base for the entire roadway, therefore saving on removal, trucking, and new material costs. Emulsified asphalt was injected to strengthen the foundation, ensuring the road met design standards for both traffic volumes and truck percentages. This approach revitalized the pavement while enhancing the road's longevity and durability.
Recognizing safety concerns related to limited sunlight penetration during winter months, the project opened up the roadway by removing trees to address overgrowth. This not only enhanced safety but also significantly reduced road recovery and dry time after winter snowstorms. The improved accessibility also reduced salt usage during winter maintenance, contributing to cost savings and environmental sustainability.
Construction was completed within a timeframe of three working weeks. Through implementing vital infrastructure improvements such as wider driving lanes, enhanced shoulders, and a stabilized base, the transformed County Highway HH promises a smoother and safer experience for motorists. The team's commitment to addressing safety concerns, optimizing winter maintenance, and meeting design standards has improved the road's functionality and paved the way for more resilient and sustainable transportation infrastructure.
CTH HH Pavement Replacement, CTH J to Smith's Road
Lyndon Station, Wisconsin
Juneau County Highway Department