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Main Street Reconstruction

Main Street Reconstruction


The City needed to overhaul one of the oldest sections of their downtown.


The project team, which included SEH engineers from multiple disciplines, designed a new streetscape through downtown, including new roadways and sidewalks with updated water service, storm drain pipes, planting beds, street planters, irrigation methods and traffic signals. SEH completed design for the fast-track project in less than three months, and completed construction in an additional three months. SEH recommended a contractor prequalification process that saved time and allowed the selected contractor to provide input to save costs and expedite the project schedule.


  • 2010 Project of the Year | American Public Works Association, Colorado Chapter (APWA-CO)

Main Street Improvements

Fort Morgan, Colo.

City of Fort Morgan


  • Alternative access for businesses during construction
  • Extensive public outreach
  • Grant application assistance for engineering and design
  • Recycling of a majority of demolished sidewalk/roadway/concrete
  • Recycling of asphalt base course from City storage yard, and use of material to pave new roadways
  • Installation of permeable pavers in parking spaces to reduce heat island effect and improve stormwater quality
  • Installation of 111 historic plaques to showcase community pride
  • Installation of new traffic signals and designated pedestrian walkways to improve pedestrian and vehicle safety
  • Pre-qualification of contractors so construction could begin immediately upon design approval


  • Road and Street Design
  • Civil Engineering
  • Traffic Engineering
  • Water Resources Engineering
  • Structural Engineering