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Artist rendering of streets

Linden Hills Small Area Plan


Minneapolis' Linden Hills neighborhood needed a community supported vision and comprehensive plan to help get out ahead of growing market pressures for redevelopment while enhancing and preserving their neighborhoods’ unique character and sense of place.


The multidisciplined SEH team facilitated a collaborative planning process to create a comprehensive, long-range plan for guiding context-sensitive change. This plan provides a 20-year vision for the three commercial districts of Linden Hills – 43rd and Upton, 44th and Beard and 44th and France – and the corridors of 44th Street and France Avenue in the Linden Hills neighborhood. The intent of the plan is to provide policy framework within which Linden Hills can continue to evolve as an exceptional neighborhood and to provide a contextually and environmentally sensitive framework for guiding developers or business owners wishing to propose expansion, renovations, or new development. This same framework is meant to assist residents in evaluating development proposals and guide residents in the design and implementation of public improvement projects, allowing neighborhood members to shape or influence future growth in the areas studied.

Project Name
Linden Hills Neighborhood Small Area Plan

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Linden Hills Neighborhood Council and City of Minneapolis


  • The Small Area Plan is organized around five key components: Land Use and Development, Building and Site Design, Movement, Connectivity and Parking, Heritage Preservation and Sustainability and the Environment.

  • Extensive, hands-on community engagement process including multi-day design workshops with residents, business owners, buildings owners and local developers

  • Comprehensive set of goals, policies and action steps for five key neighborhood systems

  • Highly illustrated web-friendly document with 3D graphics, plans and diagrams


  • Community engagement and facilitation
  • Urban design
  • Multimodal transportation planning
  • Historic preservation planning
  • Landscape architecture
  • Graphic Design