Blog Post by Admin
Duluth John A Blatnik Bridge Lighting Design
The SEH project team designed a state-of-the-art, low-maintenance LED lighting system to replace the Duluth John A Blatnik Bridge's aging system.
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Peakview Peoaria Roundabout Design
The intersection of Peakview and Peoria in the City of Centennial had many concerns: drivers and pedestrians had difficulty crossing, the pavement was ...
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Food Distribution Warehouse at Pabst Farms
The Pabst Farms development is anchored by an $80 million, 1.07 million sq. ft. retail food distribution facility.
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Animal and Agriculture Product Plants
The SEH team has prepared and submitted hundreds of air permits, including construction, operation and registration permits, and permit exemption requests.
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Carver County Southwest Reconnection
SEH widened Highway 101 in Carver County and raised it above the highest recorded flood level, reconstructed County Highway 61 and added two roundabouts.
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Eastbound TH 62 Over TH 35W and TH 121
In partnership with MnDOT, the SEH team designed an 865 ft., three lane, curved bridge, which was constructed in stages to avoid traffic disruption.
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Lake Elmo Avenue
SEH worked closely with the City of Lake Elmo to design, construct and finance a cooperative project that included a combined total of 1.5 miles of ...
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Cheyenne 19th Street Rehabilitation
The City of Cheyenne was experiencing a resurgence of downtown living and economic growth which placed greater demand on an aging infrastructure including ...
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Chippewa Falls Riverfront Revitalization
The City of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, needed to redesign its riverfront area as the final part of its downtown revitalization process.
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Eagan Sperry Communications Tower
The SEH team designed a 178 ft. communications tower including color-changing LED fixtures and six flood luminaires for the Eagan Sperry Communications ...
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Garfield Avenue Bridge Replacement
The Garfield Avenue Bridge, originally built in 1929, was structurally deficient and needed to be replaced. The SEH team designed a modernized update.
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Eau Claire Hastings Way
SEH urban designers and engineers helped the community develop designs for a new multimodal facility with sidewalks, trails, crosswalks and decorative ...
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Cambridge Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements
The City of Cambridge partnered with SEH to update aging wastewater infrastructure at two wastewater plants and meet new effluent limits for phosphorus.
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I-394 Sanitary Sewer Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation
The City of Golden Valley needed a clear picture of inflow and infiltration challenges and sewer capacity constraints within their sanitary sewer system.
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Crude Oil Transloading Facility
SEH partnered with an international oil company to build a large crude oil collection point and rail loading terminal.
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HWY 10 and 1st Street Corridor Master Plan
SEH created a community-generated vision and comprehensive master plan for guiding the corridor’s transformation into attractive, walkable, multi-use ...
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Dodd Ford Bridge Rehabilitation
Blue Earth County partnered with SEH to design and renovate the Dodd Ford Bridge while protecting its historic character.
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Duluth International Airport Two-Mile Runway Reconstruction
The Duluth International Airport's award-winning runway will serve Northeast Minnesota, Northwest Wisconsin and the 148th Fighter Wing for 50+ years.
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Historic North Hibbing Hull Rust Mahoning Mine View
The historic North Hibbing Hull Rust Mahoning Mine View overlooks one of the largest open pit iron ore mines in the world. The City partnered with SEH to ...
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Asian Tropics/Toyota Elephant Passage Exhibit
The Denver Zoo needed a team capable of delivering innovative water resources features for its Asian Tropics/Toyota Elephant Passage Exhibit.
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East Chicago Waterfront Revitalization Initiative
SEH's multi-faceted waterfront study for the City of East Chicago guided nearly $40 million in strategic waterfront funds to help redevelop the community.
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Blake Hotel, Skier Plaza and Core Village Enhancements
Taos Ski Valley partnered with SEH to create a base village and upgrade existing infrastructure to attract more skiers and snowboarders to the New Mexico ...
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Prairie Queen Missing Middle Housing Neighborhood Development
The Prairie Queen Missing Middle Housing Neighborhood Development will ultimately feature about 500 units – many of which are now complete – including ...
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Hudson Wastewater Treatment Plant 2020 Improvements
The SEH team’s evaluation showed that renovations could save Hudson significant costs over a rebuild, exceed flow volumes and keep the plant running ...
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Industrial Wastewater Pre-Treatment Plant Design
A proposed $146 million expansion of a Midwest-based bioscience company meant more jobs and increased tax base to the rural community the company calls ...
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Hobart Flood Mitigation
The SEH team helped the City of Hobart convert old data to modern platforms and complete new modeling of the watershed.
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Onalaska Great River Landing Master Plan and Design
The City’s Comprehensive Plan Update, conducted by SEH, made clear the high value that Onalaska community members placed on its waterfront along the ...
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Centerville Tower Rehabilitation
The City of White Bear Lake turned to SEH to perform needed reconditioning work for its award-winning water tank.
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Hibbing Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrades
The SEH team delivered new plant designs for the Hibbing Wastewater Treatment Facility, with a total of 10 improvements, under a three-month timeline.
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County Trunk Highway CC Bridge over the Chippewa Flowage
SEH bridge and structural engineers came up with a plan to put a temporary bridge in place, allowing traffic to pass while the new bridge was constructed.
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Apple Valley Water Treatment Facility Expansion
SEH partnered with Apple Valley, Minnesota, to increase the capacity of its water treatment facility from 18 million gallons per day (MGD) to 24 MGD.
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2nd Street SW Reconstruction
SEH redesigned 2nd Street SW in Rochester, Minnesota, to better accommodate all modes of traffic while improving visual appeal and pedestrian amenities.
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Island View Sanitary Sewer Extension
Aging septic systems on properties near Voyageurs National Park were failing at an alarming rate. The septic systems were failing, in part, to difficult ...
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Bark River Restoration
The SEH project team provided 0.25 miles of streambank restoration using stone, encompassing the entirety of the Bark River’s flow through downtown ...
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2018 Pinecone Road Improvements
SEH redesigned Pinecone Rd. to serve a new high school, expanding the road from a rural, two-lane road to a 45 ft. urban section with off-road bike lanes.
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St. Paul Downtown Airport
SEH worked with the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) to reconstruct the intersection of two runways within the overlapping portions of the runway ...
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10th Avenue Bridge Rehabilitation
The 10th Avenue SE Bridge in Minneapolis is a critical transportation element that crosses over the Mississippi River and is near the University of ...
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East Grand Forks Invisible Floodwall
SEH partnered with East Grand Forks and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to develop an “invisible” floodwall system that protects against future flooding.
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Castle Rock Fire and Rescue Department
SEH provided architectural design, site planning, civil and structural engineering for the new fire station in Castle Rock, Colorado.
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Nationwide Bridge Inspection Program
Challenge In order to maintain the safety and security of their nationwide bridge infrastructure, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) needed to ...
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Green River High School Aquatic Center
SEH designed 32,000 sq. ft. Green River High School Aquatic Center to accommodate student competitions and physical education as well as recreational use.
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Jackson Hole Airport Runway Reconstruction
The Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Airport needed to resurface their entire runway. But they couldn’t shut down operations while the work was done.
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Rock Island Swing Bridge
One of only two remaining historic double-deck swing bridges in Minnesota that carried railroad over roadway faced demolition due to deterioration and ...
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Brookfield Linfield Crossing
The vacant site of the former Linfield Elementary School and Heritage Christian School needed to be redeveloped for a single-family home subdivision.
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TH 61/TH 97 Roundabouts
Prior to construction, complex intersections at TH 61 and TH 97 were prone to vehicle crashes and unfriendly to both bicyclists and pedestrians trying to ...
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