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Blog Post by Admin

Sheboygan River Habitat Restoration

Over the years, an area along the Sheboygan River had become polluted and unattractive. Erosion, pollution and invasive plants had severely impaired fish ...
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Wastewater Facilities Master Plan

A global maker of sausage products is increasing production to meet rising market demand and product diversification.
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Austin North Main Flood Control

Record flooding caused historical damage to the City of Austin, Minnesota. The City partnered with SEH to help save residents and downtown businesses.
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East Metro Public Safety Training Center

In addition to designing the East Metro Public Safety Training Center, we helped the City of Maplewood secure $3.4 million in state and local grants.
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Cypress Drive Improvements

The northern Minnesota community of Baxter has for decades been experiencing a surge of traffic congestion.
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Porter County Transportation Corridor Plan

As part of the larger Marquette Plan, the project team needed to evaluate the existing transportation conditions and facilities and the relationship ...
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Office, Research, Distribution and Retail Facilities for SuperValu

As a major player in this highly competitive segment of the food industry, Supervalu requires an architectural and engineering partner with a deep ...
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Olmsted County Government Center

The City of Rochester required additional space to increase security at their government center, but because of site limitations, needed a solution to ...
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Alamogordo Palo Duro Phase 3

SEH developed a plan that included construction of 20 single-family homes and the associated street, water, sanitary sewer and stormwater systems.
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Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds Erosion Repair

The Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds received a record-breaking amount of rainfall in a single 24-hour period – over seven inches.
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Grizzly Oil Sands Rail Terminal

Grizzly Oil Sands partnered with SEH to design the Windell Rail Terminal, an innovative facility with unique operations to load crude oil onto rail cars.
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Cascade Avenue Reconstruction

Heavy traffic and a large number of student pedestrians along Cascade Avenue in the University of Wisconsin – River Falls were creating safety issues.
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Itasca County Airport Apron Reconstruction Project

Major infrastructure investments were needed at the Itasca County Airport, including replacing the general aviation apron and pavement.
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George Lake Trail Pedestrian Bridge

The SEH team designed the George Lake Trail Pedestrian Bridge which spans a busy highway and safely connects the community to multiple recreational areas.
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Bain School Fire Station/Kenosha Fire Station #1

The City of Kenosha, Wisconsin, partnered with SEH to provide architecture that would transform Bain Elementary School into a brand-new fire station.
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Grand Round

The City of St. Paul wanted to better connect the parks, green spaces and neighborhoods throughout the City.
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Durango on-call engineering services

To best support its citizens and position itself for future growth, the City of Durango partnered with SEH to assist with a number of projects.
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Durango Renewal Partnership

SEH is now in the process of helping the Durango Renewal Partnership form its first renewal area, to be called the MidTown Urban Renewal Area.
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Champa Bridge and 13th Street Improvements

Denver was faced with a challenge in the heart of downtown: the need to remove an existing pedestrian bridge over Champa Street and 13th Street.
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Highway 96 and 35W Diverging Diamond

The SEH team designed a diverging diamond interchange that accommodates vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians while allowing access to a nearby development.
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EPA Brownfields Assessment Program in Duluth, Minnesota

The City of Duluth Economic Development Authority (DEDA) secured an EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant to encourage redevelopment in four areas of the City ...
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Platte Valley Fire Department

The Kersey, Colorado, area needed a fire facility that would better serve the 190 square-mile community and support its firefighters.
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Highway 53 Utilities Relocation

The Highway 53 Utilities Relocation made a significant contribution to the engineering industry through the introduction of innovative design solutions.
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Fort McCoy Non-Commissioned Officer's (NCO) Academy

SEH and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers designed and constructed a 38,000 sq. ft.t facility to house critical support areas at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin.
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Falls International Airport Terminal

To better serve the 15,000 annual passengers arriving and departing through Falls International Airport in International Falls, Minnesota, the airport ...
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Hudson Utility Locate and GIS

SEH conducted a GPS inventory of over 14,000 water, sanitary and storm system structures for the City of Hudson, Wisconsin.
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Auburndale Pedestrian Underpass

The SEH project team, WisDOT and the Village of Auburndale partnered to improve access to the neighborhood without disrupting critical train schedules.
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Homewood Suites

This popular downtown hotel needed a site and landscape that accommodated the active uses on the front and to blend into the residential neighborhood on ...
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Oilseed Crush Plant

A national agribusiness company was set to construct a processing plant in the upper Midwest.
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Interstate Island Restoration and Stabilization

SEH's Interstate Island Restoration and Stabilization Plan added 5.5 acres of new land, protected vulnerable birds and made the island resilient to ...
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Crystal Airport Runway Reconstruction

Metropolitan Airports Commission selected SEH to lead the Crystal Airport reconstruction project. Improving user safety was the primary goal.
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Denver RTD Civic Center Station

The $30 million project involved demolition of the existing bus terminal and the design and construction of one of the largest transit stations in ...
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Farmington Metropolitan Planning Organization Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update

SEH developed a bicycle and pedestrian plan for the Farmington Metropolitan Planning Organization through a series of public engagement sessions.
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Owasso Boulevard North Reconstruction

The Owasso Boulevard North Reconstruction Project is the largest reconstruction project in the City of Shoreview’s history – improving safety and quality ...
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Northfield Roundabout Transformation

The TH 246 and Jefferson Parkway intersection in the City of Northfield was previously a four-way stop faced with heavy traffic, increased public ...
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Gaylord Street Improvement Plan

As part of a state highway reconstruction project, the City of Gaylord had to improve the streetscape of their downtown.
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CSAH 17 Corridor Management and Safety Improvements

SEH worked with the Washington County Highway Department and Lake Elmo to construct a new sanitary and storm sewer system and water main along a 1.5-mile ...
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Oconomowoc Athletic Field Improvements

The Oconomowoc Area School District needed to update their aging high school athletic fields and facilities.
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Central City Main Street Redevelopment

The SEH team helped rehabilitate the downtown area of Central City, Colorado, using a unique European model to better serve pedestrians, businesses and ...
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Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities Laramie River Pipeline

In need of precision, timeliness and expertise, the Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities partnered with SEH for a number of strategic channel and bank ...
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Highway 7 and Louisiana Interchange Phase I and II ESA

SEH was the environmental liaison between the City, MnDOT, MPCA and EPA Region V throughout the Highway 7 and Louisiana Interchange Phase I and II ESA.
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I-25/US 34 Interchange Improvements

The SEH team designed a new interchange that eliminated dangerous weaving movements on I-25/US 34 and replaced the loop off-ramps with diamond off-ramps.
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Colorado Springs Barnes Road Improvements

The Barnes Road Improvements project sought to bring area roadways and utility infrastructure to a place where it would accommodate and empower the area’s ...
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Grand Forks Air Force Base Fire Station

SEH partnered with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to design a 30,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art fire station for the Grand Forks Air Force base.
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Box Elder Wastewater Treatment Facility

The SEH team designed a new wastewater plant to satisfy regulatory and future growth needs for the City of Box Elder and Air Force Base.
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