Blog Post by Admin
Archuleta County Landfill Repair
SEH provided a range of engineering and construction services to resolve existing issues at the Archuleta County landfill in Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
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Detroit Lakes Wastewater Treatment Facility Planning, Design and Construction Administration
The Detroit Lakes wastewater treatment facility is one of the most innovative in all of Minnesota, serving as a model for other communities.
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Rice Lake Main Street Renovation
Discover how Rice Lake Wisconsin transformed its aging Main Street into a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly corridor, blending heritage with modern design for ...
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Reaping the Benefits of Brownfield Redevelopment
100 acres of a former automobile scrap yard in Andover, Minnesota lay dormant with hazardous soil and asbestos. The site was considered brownfield, and ...
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US 160 Wildlife Crossing
La Plata County in Colorado topped the list for the highest number of wildlife vehicle crashes in the state.
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Depot Square at Boulder Junction
Boulder Junction revitalizes Boulder's east side with a transit-oriented, mixed-use community featuring affordable housing, public spaces, and sustainable ...
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Wagon Wheel Trail Design
Discover how La Crosse and SEH created a safe, accessible shared-use path connecting MN and WI, enhancing connectivity while protecting vital habitats.
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Greeley Fire Stations: Modern Facilities for Public Safety
SEH worked with the City of Greeley to replace the outdated fire station #2 and expand fire station #6.
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Remembering and Replacing the Apache City Road Bridge
Pueblo County selected SEH to provide engineering and construction services to replace the historic Apache City Road Bridge.
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Tag Alder Road Bridge over the Namekagon River
SEH was chosen by Sawyer County, Wisconsin, to design a new bridge to replace an outdated five-span structure into a new two-lane, two-span structure.
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Larimer County Road 80 Bridge Rehabilitation
SEH collaborated with Intermountain Testing Company for the Larimer County Road 80 bridge over the North Fork Rehabilitation project.
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Lunds & Byerlys HVAC Design
SEH designed a new HVAC system that consisted of multiple components: a dual path air handling unit (AHU) with humidity control, perimeter variable speed ...
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Virginia Public Utilities District Steam Upgrades
SEH worked with Virginia Public Utilities to design a new medium pressure boiler plant to supplement their high-pressure coal fired system.
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McLeod Museum HVAC Improvements
SEH worked with the McCleod County Historical Society to design a new HVAC system capable of operating quietly, reducing energy consumption, and ...
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Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority
Since 2012, SEH has partnered with the RWSA on 100+ work authorizations for its water treatment and distribution system and wastewater treatment ...
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Federal Partnerships
At SEH, we use a cross-disciplined approach to serve our U.S. Government and federal agency partners developing solutions to your complex challenges. Our ...
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Duluth Sky Harbor Airport Runway Relocation
The Duluth Sky Harbor Airport Runway Relocation rotated the runway by 5 degrees, added 7 acres of land and shortened it to protect 27 acres of forest.
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Spirit Mountain Water Infrastructure Project
Spirit Mountain Recreation Area was making snow using 65-70 million gallons of treated, potable water from the City of Duluth each year. It was both ...
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Valparaiso Downtown Central Park Plaza
The City wanted to revitalize their historic downtown area with a sustainable, year-round public gathering place.
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Stevens Point Well 11 and Treatment Plant
The City of Stevens Point was growing. It needed additional drinking water supplies to meet increasing demand from residential, commercial and University ...
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Trunk Highway 7/Louisiana Avenue Interchange
A highly-traveled urban interchange had to be replaced and needed to accommodate more modes of transportation.
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Trunk Highway 36/English Street Interchange
Growth and development introduced traffic congestion, major delays and safety concerns along a major traffic artery in Maplewood, Minnesota.
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Steele County Sanitary Landfill
A community needed a new place to dispose of a variety of types of waste, while also protecting the environment.
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Snelling Avenue Multimodal Plan
A busy urban state trunk highway, carrying more than 40,000 vehicles per day, needed to be revamped to accommodate a variety of context zones and a ...
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Westerly Creek at Montview Boulevard Flood Control Improvements
During significant rain events, undersized culverts were causing flooding to dozens of properties in the community. As a result, public health and safety ...
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Texa-Tonka Small Area Plan
The City of Rochester, Minnesota, wanted to develop several adjacent parcels of city-owned property in the downtown area.
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Red Rocks Amphitheatre Feasibility Study
The City and County of Denver recognized the need for stage roof renovations to continue serving the millions of yearly visitors.
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Wolf Lake Boardwalk
The Port Authority needed to connect previously inaccessible areas of a major park to trail users.
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The Ledge Amphitheater
Abandoned granite quarries are present throughout the area and being transformed into community assets as opposed to waste areas.
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Walworth Air Quality and Environmental Permitting and Compliance
Kikkoman Food, the world’s largest maker of soy sauce, produces more than 27 million gallons per year of naturally-brewed soy sauce, teriyaki marinade and ...
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Stillwater Lift Bridge Pedestrian Conversion
As the only connection between Minnesota and Wisconsin for several miles, traffic on the Minnesota side of the bridge often backed up for many blocks down ...
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St. Louis County Wetland Regulatory Planning and Permitting
SEH wetland scientists were asked to delineate a 250-acre project area in a remote location in St. Louis County, Minnesota for an existing mining ...
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Rochester Metropolitan Market Place
The City of Rochester, Minnesota, wanted to develop several adjacent parcels of city-owned property in the downtown area.
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Superior Wetland Bank Delineation
Creating an opportunity to restore 22,000 acres of wetlands in northern Minnesota, which includes the world-renowned bird-watching area, Sax-Zim Bog.
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Tartan Crossing Redevelopment
The City of Oakdale needed to transform an abandoned mall site into a multi-use community asset.
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St. Anthony Parkway Bridge
Built in 1925 and located in the City of Minneapolis, the historic St. Anthony Parkway Bridge was in dire need of replacement.
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Shakopee Lateral Sewer Pipe Rehabilitation
The City of Shakopee needed to rehabilitate their lateral sewer pipes to protect investments in new street pavement and boulevard restoration.
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Pueblo I-25 Dillon Drive Interchange Improvements
When developing the I-25/Dillon Interchange, the City of Pueblo needed more than an engineering design company for their interchange improvement project, ...
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Wolf Lake Regional Park
The Hammond community wanted to reconnect to the shores of Lake Michigan, and optimize the recreational potential surrounding nearby Wolf Lake.
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Target Field Station Transit Plaza
Located in downtown Minneapolis on a highly urban site with poor soil conditions, the challenges for the Target Field Station Transit Plaza project were ...
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Tomahawk 4th Street Bridge and Utility Relocation
The City of Tomahawk, Wisconsin, needed to replace an aging bridge.
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Eisenhower Bridge of Valor
Determined to be “fracture critical,” a team that included MnDOT, WisDOT, Red Wing, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), SEH and many other teaming ...
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Virginia Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements
Facing stringent permit limits and aging facilities, the City needed to upgrade and expand their existing wastewater treatment plant, which was originally ...
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Pueblo Memorial Airport Runway Expansion
The U.S. Air Force’s Initial Flight Training (IFT) Program needed its own space to continue safely operating out of the Pueblo Memorial Airport.
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Shell Lake Downtown Redevelopment
The County was considering relocating its Health and Human Services facility from downtown Shell Lake to another community. The City needed to find a way ...
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