Portfolios and Case Studies

Animal and Agriculture Product Plants

Written by Admin | June 16, 2022


State and federal regulators continue to announce new and revise existing, complex air quality regulations. Compliance with these regulations requires more specialized compliance demonstration methods through solutions like air dispersion modeling, parametric monitoring, recordkeeping and emission testing.

Some animal and agricultural production plants can periodically generate odors that are regulated by their local communities. When a plant wants to expand or replace existing equipment, they need a team that can quickly and reliably identify applicable requirements, then help obtain the required air permits. Experience and regulatory technical knowledge are key to meeting these challenges.

SEH client partners want to understand their complex regulatory obligations and uncover manageable methods to achieving compliance with these requirements.


Many facilities in the animal and agricultural product industry rely on SEH’s team of air quality specialists to provide technical air quality support. The SEH team works diligently to find cost-efficient solutions that meet regulatory requirements and our clients’ project schedules.

From obtaining fast-tracked air permits so that a capital project can move forward without delay, to developing an air emission calculation approach to demonstrate compliance with a regulation, SEH clients are accustomed to thorough and timely air quality compliance services.

The SEH team has prepared and submitted hundreds of air permits – including construction permits, operation permits, registration permits and permit exemption requests. Many permitting actions require air dispersion modeling to demonstrate compliance with National Ambient Air Quality Standards or state-specific air toxins.

Ultimately, the SEH team of permitting engineers and air dispersion modelers is adept at bringing projects to a state of compliance in a timely and efficient manner.

Animal and Agricultural Product Plants – Air Permitting and Compliance

Multiple locations throughout the U.S. Midwest and West Regions


  • Whey and other product dryers
  • Food flavorings
  • Egg production
  • Cheese production
  • Feed mills
  • Elevators
  • Vegetable oil extraction
  • Butter manufacturing
  • Slaughterhouses
  • Rendering plants


  • Air construction permitting
  • Title V and state air operation permitting
  • Air dispersion modeling
  • Development of compliance demonstration methods
  • Compliance certifications and reporting
  • State and federal regulatory applicability reviews
  • Air emission testing
  • Air emission inventories
  • Coordination with state and federal regulators
  • Training
  • Technical support to in-house and external legal counsel