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Steps You Can Take to Identify, Limit and Prevent Inflow and Infiltration [eBook]

Steps You Can Take to Identify, Limit and Prevent Inflow and Infiltration [eBook]

Reduce costs and extend the life of your infrastructure.

Stormwater (inflow) and groundwater (infiltration) account for nearly 50% of flow at treatment plants with aging infrastructure. Reactively addressing this can be costly and challenging! What's your best path forward? Where should you begin?

Infow and Infiltration eBook preview

In this eBook, SEH water experts answer these questions and more:

  • How much I&I is too much?
  • Treating I&I – What are the costs?
  • 5 I&I trends and actionable steps
  • 6 ways to identify I&I – Including 3 warning signs
  • I&I quick reference guide and flowchart
  • 5 questions city officials may have about smoke testing
  • 8 questions your residents will have about smoke testing 

Let's Connect

Concerned inflow and infiltration may be straining your sewer treatment facility? Our wastewater experts provide the guidance you need to identify I&I and develop a proactive strategy to save time, money, and additional resources. Connect with us by using the form provided below.